A special thank you to, Liddicoat and Goldhill, Architects, for lending us their office in Dalston. Originally designed as a penthouse flat, used as an office for a firm of architects and turned into an exhibition space.
To cover up some of the books shelves and make it look more like a gallery space, we hung up long sheets of banquet roll, normally used for table cloths, not knowing if the place would end up looking as though it was draped with over sized toilet roll. In the end, fortune smiled on us and the place looked great.
Links was exactly what it said, the symbiotic link that art has with, well, everything: society, commerce, even science.
Our first exhibition took place in an office that the architects above very generously allowed us to take over an turn into an exhibition space for an evening
To add a little spice to the evening we had a blackjack tournament, with several pieces art having been donated by the artists. For £5 guests could by a ticket and play. The top six with the most chips at the end getting first choice of a piece of art. One couple particularly like a piece by Misha and won it. Very gratifying. All proceeds, in the end £100, when to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital.
Route, cafe and bistro by Dalston Junction, very kindly supplied us with several trays of delicious meze that went down very well with a glass of wine while people perused the art and chatted with the artists.
My very good friend, Ellie Rudolf, Picture with Lubica and myself, made us a web site to help advertise the exhibition.
And a huge thank you to everyone involved, it really was amazing how much support we got from everyone. We could not have done it without you.
The artists involved:
Larry Bolton
Gabriel Vigo
Lenka Cachanka
Costas Panag
Ricardo De ceglia
Jane Smith
Lubka Strhakova
All photos courtesy of Romana.