Turning a sculpture into a silk scarf

How do you take a sculpture and turn it into a scarf? Unless you’re proficient in something like Photoshop, which I’m not, nor am I likely to be anytime soon, you get someone else to do it.




      Starting with the photos that inspired the work which in turn inspired the scarf…

So, the project has taken on another facet. Out sourcing to get things done. As a self funded project it effectively doesn’t have a budget, but there’s no getting around investment, however scary it is to commit, so, I had a look on Freelancer and found a designer in India, Zeeuuss, to blend some images form Misha’s works and size them into scarves and shawls etc. He is a freelance designer (you can find him on Freelancer.com if you want to check out his work) which meant with his professional eye I didn’t have to explain too much about what I was trying to do.

Above are some images from Misha’s work on display and with the last one a molded images ready for printing. The results look rather promising. I know them as paintings and sculptures and can’t wait to see how they turn out as scarves. Now we have to pick the right type of silk.

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